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Temple Ohabei Shalom prides itself on its creative, dynamic, musical worship. We offer a wealth of choices combining traditional and contemporary elements in inventive ways to suit the needs of our diverse congregation. Rabbi Audrey Marcus Berkman graces our pulpit with warmth, knowledge, music, and charisma. Rabbi Daniel Schaefer brings a gentle depth to our study and services.

Our popular Shabbat B’yachad (Shabbat Together) is a joyous celebration of Shabbat whose centerpiece is a community dinner. The evening begins with Tot Shabbat. Following an intergenerational dinner we welcome people of all ages and stages to a community-wide Erev Shabbat service.

Once a month we also have Shabbat Morning B'yachad. This richly woven tapestry of activities include Tot Shabbat, Breakfast, Torah Study, Services, and a Kiddush lunch. Schmoozing, studying, worship, and lunch--what a perfect way to spend Shabbat! Come when you can, leave when you need to.

Several Shabbat evenings during the year are dedicated to our Social Action Shabbat, a hybrid service and learning

program featuring congregant or guest presentations on a variety of topics. At Social Action Shabbat, you might hear about the great care that disadvantaged children receive at the Grow Clinic, about transgender individuals, or about immigration concerns for our neighbors. Families with young children enjoy Tot Shabbat twice a month (one Friday evening and one Saturday morning), featuring developmentally-thoughtful prayers, songs, movement and learning – and no shushing!

Holidays are observed with spirit and warmth, from the majesty of the High Holy Days to the fizzy humor of Purim to the hushed intimacy of S’lichot to the joyous celebratory Passover Seder. In addition to our glorious renewed Sanctuary and our cozy Chapel, we dance in the streets for Simchat Torah and take it to the river for Tashlich. Volunteers provide a lay-led Daily Worship Service, for those who enjoy a reflective break from the ordinary.

Life cycle events, from baby namings to weddings and beyond, play an important role in our community’s life. Jews by Choice, interfaith families, and those exploring Judaism are all warmly welcomed at Temple Ohabei Shalom.

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784